Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What About Being QUAD Lingual and Deaf??

Saturday afternoon, My husband and I decided to enjoy the pollen tempest and take a nice brisk walk via the footpath over? under (maybe around?) the Woodrow Wilson Bridge from National Harbor.

Such a clear day, perfect for signing. I wondered if we would see any members of the Deaf community? Yes, I am a NERDA (Not Even Related to a Deaf Adult) Plus, it just felt good to be outdoors. It was sunny and bright (nothing casting a shadow). Beautiful day despite being extremely windy.

"Over there......,""Where?" My husband asks. With everything blowing around, maybe I'm seeing things. My "saving-my-energy-for -the-trail walk" turned into a brisk walk to....Why, yes! Sign Language!!!! Yippie!!!!

Well, as it turns out, all of the Deaf we met were from Saudi Arabia and there was a Hard of Hearing woman from Iran. So how did we communicate since ASL is AMERICAN Sign Language and is not universal? These individuals are QUAD linguist. They are fluent in their country's spoken language, their country's sign language, ASL, and English. One person told me that he wanted to learn Spanish!!!! So we were able to converse using ASL. WHOA!!! How many Americans can say that we know more than English?

Also, they were college students. They had spent time learning ASL (many at Gallaudet) then transferred to other colleges to further their education.

What an experience!!!! So yeah....keep on the look out for Signing hands and let me know.

Sign Language Gathering Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Around Spring time, peoples' minds start to drift toward purple, a crown of thorns, easter eggs, a bunny, and Christ's ressurrection. However, I attended an event that focused on Christ's DEATH. Interesting concept....is this when the bunny comes in? or maybe the pastel colored eggs? Or maybe the chocolate shaped into miniature bunnies....yummmmm....ummmm wait a minute....Christ's death. Yeah.....seems like Christs death has nothing to do with those things.

Anyway, Tuesday, March 30, 2010, the fact that Christ gave his life for many, the reason WHY he needed to do that, and how we benefit from that sacrifice was the topic of this lecture in FULL ASL! Scriptures and everything!!! Equal access for all! What a commemoration!!!

Deaf, Hard of Hearing, CODA's, and non-Deaf all totaled 109 in attendance. This same group was invited back on Saturday, April 17, 2010 to discuss the answer to the question, "Real Peace and Security--When?" using the Bible (ASL).